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In cooperation with our community partners, we are providing a pathway to success for all of our students in the classroom and in everyday life. Our main objective is to train and educate our students to be successful in any post-secondary endeavors they choose.

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WCE Recieves Cognia Accreditation Featured Photo

WCE Recieves Cognia Accreditation

Principal Raymer holds the Cognia Certificate of Accreditation, presented for meeting the criteria for educational quality established by the Cognia Global Commission.

Employee of the Month

Employee of the Month Image

Julie Whittaker is West Cheatham Elementary School’s Speech Language Pathologist and works diligently to help PreK-4th students improve their speech and/or language skills in order for them to be academically successful in the classroom. Julie has been a host/mentor teacher for many college students who are completing internships as part of the requirements for receiving their SLP degrees and licensure. Julie is the "gold standard" of what a school SLP should be!

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